Dab tsi yog qhov sib txawv ntawm cov iav kub ntawm cov iav thiab cov iav hluav taws kub?

Dab tsi yog qhov sib txawv ntawm cov iav kub thiab hluav taws kub tiv thaiv? Raws li lub npe qhia, qhov kub-iav yog ib hom kev kub siab-resistant iav, thiab hluav taws-resistant iav yog ib hom iav uas tuaj yeem yog tua hluav taws. Yog li dab tsi yog qhov sib txawv ntawm ob?

Kev kub siab iav yog cim los ntawm cov kub siab kuj thiab tuaj yeem siv rau ntau qhov kub. Muaj ntau hom iav kub, thiab peb feem ntau faib nws raws li nws qhov ntsuas kub uas pub ua haujlwm. The standard ones are 150℃, 300℃, 400℃, 500℃, 860℃, 1200℃, etc. High temperature glass is the main component of the window of industrial equipment. Los ntawm nws, peb tuaj yeem saib xyuas cov kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov ntaub ntawv sab hauv ntawm cov khoom siv kub siab.

Fireproof iav yog ib hom kab hlau rhuav phab ntsa, thiab muaj ntau hom xaim iav fireCsium fireChof iav, thiab suav nrog cov iav hluav taws kub thiab lwm yam. Hauv kev lag luam iav iav, hluav taws-resistant iav feem ntau txhais tau tias thaum hluav taws tau ntsib, nws tuaj yeem thaiv cov nplaim taws rau ib lub sijhawm uas tsis muaj saib. Lub iav tuaj yeem tiv taus ntau qhov kub. Piv txwv li, cov iav tua hluav taws-resistant iav tuaj yeem siv rau qee lub sijhawm. Nres cov nplaim hluav taws los ntawm kis, tab sis cov iav yuav tawg tawg tom qab lub sijhawm no. , Lub iav yuav tawg sai sai, tab sis vim tias cov iav muaj cov iav tawg, kom nws tuaj yeem thaiv cov nplaim taws. Ntawm no, cov tsom iav hluav taws kub nrog hlau tsis yog hom iav hluav taws xob tsis huv. Kuj tseem muaj cov iav hluav taws kub hluav taws kub uas tsis yog qhov kub tsis kam. Monolithic poov tshuaj fireproof iav yog ib hom fireproof iav nrog cov iav kub kuj tseem muaj tsawg, feem ntau lub sijhawm ntev yog tsis pub dhau 150 ~ 250 ℃.

Los ntawm cov lus piav qhia saum toj no, peb tuaj yeem nkag siab tias fireproof iav tsis tas yuav kub lub iav, tab sis cov iav kub tuaj yeem siv raws li cov iav hluav taws kub. Tsis muaj teeb meem uas cov khoom kub kub lub iav yog, nws cov chaw ua haujlwm hluav taws xob yuav zoo dua li cov iav hluav taws kub.

Ntawm cov mob-kub iav cov khoom lag luam, ultra-high-high-high-high-high-kub-resistant iav muaj cov hluav taws tsis kam zoo. Nws yog cov khoom siv refractory thiab tuaj yeem raug qhib cov nplaim taws ntev. Yog tias siv rau ntawm hluav taws-resistant qhov rooj thiab lub qhov rais tuaj yeem tswj nws txoj kev ncaj ncees rau lub sijhawm hluav taws. , Hloov chaw ntawm cov iav hluav taws xob zoo tib yam uas tsuas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv lub sijhawm.

Fireproof IAV-1

Kev kub siab iav yog cov khoom tshwj xeeb tshwj xeeb, thiab nws cov khoom siv kho zog, pob tshab, kev ruaj khov ruaj khov zoo dua li cov iav foob tsis zoo. Raws li cov iav siv hauv cov cuab yeej muaj khoom siv, peb pom zoo kom siv cov kws kho mob siab ntsuas iav hloov chaw hloov chaw ntawm cov chaw tua hluav taws zoo tib yam.

Saida IavYog ib tug lees paub thoob ntiaj teb iav sib sib zog nqus khoom xa khoom ntawm cov khoom lag luam zoo, tus nqi sib tw thiab lub sijhawm xa khoom. Nrog Customizing iav nyob rau ntau thaj tsam ntawm thaj chaw thiab tshwj xeeb hauv kev kov vaj huam sib luag khob, AG / AR / ANCE / QUO / QUB-ELDE

Lub Sijhawm Post: Oct-16-2020

Xa koj cov lus rau peb:

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