We are also specializing in improving the things management and QC method in order that we could retain terrific edge inside the fiercely-competitive small business for Super Lowest Price China 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm 6mm Best Quality Cabinet Display Glass, We feel we will become a leader in developing and producing good quality products and solutions in the two Chinese and international markets. Peb cia siab tias yuav koom tes nrog PALS ntau rau kev sib nrig sib txawv.
Peb kuj yog qhov tshwj xeeb tshaj plaws hauv kev txhim kho yam kev tswj hwm thiab QC txoj kev nyob rau hauv kev txiav txim uas peb tuaj yeem khaws cov ntug kev loj heev hauv lub lag luam me me rauTuam Tshoj Cov Chaw Tsim Tshuaj, Nchuav Tempered Iav, Lawv ruaj ruaj ua qauv thiab kev txhawb nqa zoo thoob plaws ntiaj teb. Tsis muaj ib qho xwm txheej ploj mus nyob rau ib lub sijhawm tseem ceeb hauv ib lub sijhawm luv luv, nws yog qhov yuav tsum tau rau koj tus kheej tus kheej zoo heev. Coj los ntawm lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm kev ua siab ceev, kev ua tau zoo, Union thiab kev tsim kho tshiab. Lub lag luam ua rau muaj kev sib zog zoo nthuav dav nws txoj kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb, nce nws txoj kev lag luam. rofit thiab txhim kho nws cov nplai xa tawm. Peb tau ntseeg siab tias peb yuav muaj lub siab xav thiab faib thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv lub xyoo dhau los.
Mekas 5inch Display rau pem hauv ntej npog iav rau lub davhlau ya nyob twg them
Khoom Taw Qhia
- tshaj 96% hloov mus rau kiosk
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-Zoo meej Flnessness Thiab Smoont
-Sij Hawm Xa Kev Tsim Kho
-Ib qho rau ib txoj kev xav tau thiab kev taw qhia
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Dab tsi yog kev nyab xeeb iav?
Tempered lossis tawv tawv yog ib hom kev nyab xeeb iav txheej txheem los ntawm cov tshuaj kho cua sov lossis tshuaj kho mob kom nce
Nws lub zog piv nrog cov iav ib txwm muaj.
Tempering tso cov chaw sab nraud rau hauv kev zaws thiab sab hauv kom nruj.
Lub Hoobkas Txheej txheem cej luam

Cov neeg siv khoom tuaj xyuas & cov lus taw qhia
Txhua yam ntaub ntawv siv yog Raws li cov RoHS III (European Version), ROHS II (Tuam Tshoj Version), mus txog (version tam sim no)
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Lamianting Practive Film - Cov Paj Rwb Paj Rwb - Kraft Ntawv Packing
3 hom kev xaiv Wrapping
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