Iwu nzuzo nke okwu
This privacy policy sets out how Saida Glass uses and protects any information that you give Saida Glass when you use this website. A na-etinye iko na-enyere gị aka ijide na echebere nzuzo gị. Anyị kwesịrị ịrịọ gị ka ị nye gị ozi ụfọdụ nke ị nwere ike ịmata mgbe ị na-eji weebụsaịtị a, mgbe ahụ ị ga - ejide n'aka na a ga - eji ya mee ihe na nkwupụta nzuzo a. Sịru iko nwere ike ịgbanwe iwu a site n'oge ruo n'oge site na mmelite peeji a. Shouldkwesịrị ịlele ibe a site n'oge ruo n'oge iji hụ na ị nwere obi ụtọ na mgbanwe ọ bụla. Iwu a dị irè site na 5/18/2018
Ihe Anyị Na-anakọta
Anyị nwere ike ịnakọta ozi ndị a:
Aha, Companylọ ọrụ na aha ọrụ.
Ozi kọntaktị gụnyere adresị email.
Ozi igwe mmadụ dịka koodu zip, mmasị na mmasị.
Ihe omuma ndi ozo bara uru na nyocha ndi ozo na / ma obu onyinye.
Ihe anyị na-eme na ozi anyị na-ezukọ. Anyị chọrọ ozi a iji ghọta mkpa gị ma nye gị ọrụ ka mma, ọkachasị maka ebumnuche ndị a:
Ihe ndekọ dị n'ime.
Anyị nwere ike iji ozi iji melite ngwaahịa na ọrụ anyị.
Anyị nwere ike izipu ozi-e nkwalite maka ngwaahịa ọhụrụ, onyinye pụrụ iche ma ọ bụ ozi ndị ọzọ nke anyị chere na ị nwere ike ịhụ gị ụtọ site na iji adreesị ozi-e nke ị nyere.
Anyị nwere ike ịkpọtụrụ gị site na email, ekwentị, faksị ma ọ bụ mail. Anyị nwere ike iji ozi iji hazie weebụsaịtị dị ka ihe ndị masịrị gị.
Onye akaebe
Anyị na-agba mbọ ka anyị jidesie ike na ozi gị dị nchebe. Iji gbochie nnweta ma ọ bụ ngosipụta ma ọ bụ ngosi ya, anyị etinyela n'ọnọdụ kwesịrị ekwesị na usoro njikwa ka ichebe ma chekwaa ozi anyị na-anakọta n'ịntanetị.
Otu Anyị Si Kuki
Kuki bụ obere faịlụ nke na-arịọ ka etinye ya na draịvụ na kọmputa gị. Ozugbo ị kwenyere, a na-agbakwunye faịlị na kuki ahụ na-enyere aka nyochaa okporo ụzọ web ma ọ bụ mee ka ị mata mgbe ị gara n'otu saịtị. Kuki na-ahapụ ngwa Weebụ iji zaghachi gị. Ngwa weebụ nwere ike ịhazi ọrụ gị na mkpa gị, ọkacha mmasị na enweghị mmasị site na ịnakọta ma na-echeta ozi gbasara mmasị gị. Anyị na-eji kuki okporo ụzọ iji mata peeji ndị a na-eji. Nke a na - enyere anyị aka inyocha data banyere okporo ụzọ weebụ ma melite weebụsaịtị anyị iji weezie ya na mkpa ndị ahịa. Anyị na-eji ozi a maka ebumnuche nyocha nke Statistical ma wee wepu data ahụ na sistemụ. N'ozuzu, kuki na-enyere anyị aka inye gị ebe nrụọrụ weebụ ka mma, site na-enyere anyị aka nyochaa peeji nke ị na-achọta bara uru ma nke ị na-emeghị. Kuki na-enweghị ụzọ na-enye anyị ohere ịnweta kọmputa gị ma ọ bụ ozi ọ bụla gbasara gị, na-abụghị data ị họọrọ iso anyị. Can nwere ike ịhọrọ ịnabata ma ọ bụ nsị kuki. Imirikiti ihe nchọgharị weebụ na-anakwere kuki, mana ị nwere ike gbanwee ntọala ihe nchọgharị gị iji belata kuki ma ọ bụrụ na ịchọrọ. Nke a nwere ike igbochi gị iji ohere zuru ezu na weebụsaịtị.
Ingnweta ma gbanwee ozi gbasara gị na mmasị nkwukọrịta
If you have signed up as a Registered User, you may access, review, and make changes to your Personal Information by e-mailing us at Sales@saideglass.com. In addition, you may manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of any Saida Glass marketing email. Registered Users cannot opt out of receiving transactional e-mails related to their account. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to process such requests in a timely manner. You should be aware, however, that it is not always possible to completely remove or modify information in our subscription databases.
Njikọ na weebụsaịtị ndị ọzọ
Weebụsaịtị anyị nwere ike ịnwe njikọ na weebụsaịtị ndị ọzọ. Agbanyeghị, ozugbo ị jiri njikọ ndị a hapụ saịtị anyị, ị ga-achọpụta na anyị enweghị njikwa ọ bụla na weebụsaịtị ọzọ. Ya mere, anyị enweghị ike ịta ụta maka ihe ọmụma na nzuzo nke ị na-enye mgbe ị na-eleta saịtị ndị dị otú ahụ na ụdị saịtị a. I kwesịrị ịkpachara anya ma lee nkwupụta nzuzo ahụ na-akwado na weebụsaịtị dị na ajụjụ.
Na-achịkwa ozi nkeonwe gị
May nwere ike ịhọrọ igbochi nchịkọta ma ọ bụ jiri ozi gbasara gị n'ụzọ ndị a:
Mgbe ọ bụla a gwara gị ka ị dejupụta n'ụdị weebụsaịtị, chọọ igbe ị nwere ike pịa na ị chọghị ka onye ọ bụla mee ihe maka ebumnuche ahịa
If you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us at Sales@saideglass.com or by unsubscribing using the link on our emails. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.
Anyị na-edobe ikike imelite ma ọ bụ gbanwee iwu nzuzo a site n'oge ruo n'oge na-enweghị ọkwa gị.